Sunday, February 17, 2013

Fun Facts About Cats

(figure out the tenth...hahaha)

Fun facts about Cats

Are you ready?!

Fun Fact 1:

Killing a cat was punishable by death in ancient Egypt.
~Well, cats are definitely precious. Especially in Egypt of course! :))

Fun Fact 2:

Cats can jump between 5 & 7 times as high as their tail.
~Start measuring! I know your curious now. Haha

Fun Fact 3:

Cats are born with blue eyes. They change at approximately 12 weeks of age.
~Amazing! Can they just remain blue? Pleeease?

Fun Fact 4:

The oldest cat lived for 36 years.
~Man, that's a lot! Pretty taken cared well, life fully lived probably.. :) (see Fun Fact 6)

Fun Fact 5:

Cats take between 20-40 breaths per minute.
~That's very fast. But cats just seem relaxed every time. Can you do that?

Fun Fact 6:

The average cat can be expected to live for an average of 15 to 16 years.
~That's what we call Cat's life. Haha

Fun Fact 7:

The most fertile cat gave birth to 420 kittens.
~Wow! Imagine that? Well of course not in one pregnancy. xD

Fun Fact 8:

Cats' hearing is much more sensitive than that of humans and dogs.
~No wonder they can notice even the smallest creatures and they get easily startled. Try startling them, it's fun!

Fun Fact 9:

A cats field of vision is about 185 degrees.
~That's why they can see you easily especially if their eyes are wide opened.

Fun Fact 10:

White cats with blue eyes have higher chances of becoming deaf.
~Bad fate for Persian Cats, right? Lol.


Hope you enjoyed. There will be more if you'd want. =)


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